fetreng posiada 7 tłumaczenia na 6 języków

Tłumaczenia fetreng

HU FR Francuski 1 tłumaczenie
  • se vautrer (v n adj) [to roll one's self about, as in mire; to tumble and roll about; to move lazily or heavily in any medium; to flounder; as, swine wallow in the mire]
HU PT Portugalski 1 tłumaczenie
  • chafurdar (v n adj) [to roll one's self about, as in mire; to tumble and roll about; to move lazily or heavily in any medium; to flounder; as, swine wallow in the mire]
HU NL Niderlandzki 1 tłumaczenie
  • wentelen (v n adj) [to roll one's self about, as in mire; to tumble and roll about; to move lazily or heavily in any medium; to flounder; as, swine wallow in the mire]
HU SV Szwedzki 1 tłumaczenie
  • vältra sig (v n adj) [to roll one's self about, as in mire; to tumble and roll about; to move lazily or heavily in any medium; to flounder; as, swine wallow in the mire]
HU RU Rosyjski 1 tłumaczenie
  • валя́ться (v n adj) [to roll one's self about, as in mire; to tumble and roll about; to move lazily or heavily in any medium; to flounder; as, swine wallow in the mire] (v n adj)